Featured Master forms – Learn @ OptionsANIMAL



Chart School : Timing Entries And Exits

We invite you to a 1-hour webinar where we'll demonstrate how to simply gather complex data from stock charts. You'll discover what tools, tricks, and indicators the OptionsANIMAL instructors are using to help them achieve a 90% success rate on their trades.

Often, investors find themselves wondering when to enter and exit positions. This class is a must watch so you can see how our coaches do it successfully.



Calendars & Diagonals

Making money in a bullish market is fairly easy. However, a choppy or sideways market or even a bearish market can be tricky.

In this webinar, we'll demonstrate how and when to use calendar and diagonal spreads to help you make money in some of those challenging market conditions.



Income Trading Using The Iron Condor

Discover how to structure and manage a very popular income method, the iron condor. Our instructors will discuss some outside the box applications of the iron condor and which equities they like to use currently.



Understanding The Options Greeks

Have you ever wondered how some people have incredible timing on trades they place? Or, maybe you've wondered how someone else knew when to exit a position to capture the most profit possible? In this 1-hour webinar, the OptionsANIMAL coaches will explain the options greeks and how you can benefit and profit from knowing how options are priced.



Options Pricing & Implied Volatility

One of the many benefits of options trading is making money in up, down, or sideways markets. Part of being able to accomplish this yourself requires learning how options are priced so you can fully take advantage of any trend. Come join us for a free webinar to understand more about options and how to take advantage of volatile moves in the market.


Conference Training Planning Learning Coaching Business Concept

Options Practical Application Workshop

In this options practical application workshop, you as the audience will get to vote on which stocks we analyze. We will determine where we think those stocks are headed, what strategies could work with that trend, and practice structuring option trades together. We will also introduce some of our unique backup plans that only we teach at OptionsANIMAL.

People say "Fail To Plan, Plan to Fail". You'll see how we plan to win in this class, and how this leads to our 90% success rate on our trades.



Options Pricing & Implied Volatility

One of the many benefits of options trading is making money in up, down, or sideways markets. Part of being able to accomplish this yourself requires learning how options are priced so you can fully take advantage of any trend. Join us for a free webinar to understand more about options and how to take advantage of volatile moves in the market.



How To Survive The Next Major Stock Market Crash

While some are predicting an 80% stock market crash is coming in the near future, you can sleep well at night knowing your money is protected with these proven strategies. In this 1-hour webinar, OptionsANIMAL coaches will demonstrate how you can survive the next stock market crash while still making money in the short-term.


Retirement Planning

Targeting Moderate/Aggressive Growth Safely

Discover how you can target moderate to high returns in the stock market without risking your whole portfolio. Most hedge fund managers underperformed the S&P 500 last year because many of the big blue chip companies underperformed. So, how can you beat the professional's results? In this free 1-hour webinar, we'll demonstrate ways you can use options to enhance your returns safely.



Trading The Right Stocks With The Right Strategies

Finding the right stocks to trade combined with the right strategies can be a difficult task for the average investor. In this 1-hour webinar, OptionsANIMAL instructors will demonstrate how we select the right stocks and the right strategies to make a consistent profit in any market condition. This is a webinar you won't want to miss.



Options Versatility: How You Can Profit In Any Direction

Do you only know how to make money in a bull market? That won't be sufficient during the next stock market correction. So what are investors doing to profit in up, down, or sideways conditions?

Join us for a free class where we will demonstrate trade examples for bullish, bearish, and stagnant conditions. So, rest assured...while the market does 'its thing', you can do 'your thing' and make money in all directions.

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